Saturday, November 22, 2008

the simple things

ahhh, the simple things in life are what i love. today for example is a typical saturday with not too much going on, but somehow one simple thing has made this day extraordinary. yes, today i got my hair cut! to some a haircut may seem routine and uneventful, just one more thing to cram into your schedule or even just avoid it all together and go with the everyday pony tail. i love haircuts. there is just something about them that makes me feel rejuvenated and refreshed. that may be due to the fact that i am by myself in the hair salon for at least an hour. my hair snipping saint, shannon doesn't mind if i talk or not and if i do it is not about rocket science or even potty training. all this to say, make time to enjoy the simple things. i know that i have today. who knows i might just go crazy and paint toenails with the girls- simply fabulous!


Ang said...

Thank you for that great reminder! The simplest things DO matter. I bet your new "do" looks just great!

Unknown said...

I've been putting off a haircut -- but i really need one. I just need to make the appt and make it work :) I want to see a pic - did you post to facebook?

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see it. I'm sure you look hot.